Monday, June 4, 2012

We All Want Beach Bodies!

It's funny - when I first embarked on this weight loss journey after having Addie it was all about looking good at the beach. C'mon I know all of you know what I mean - unless of course you already do look hott in a bikini - but if you're like me with saddle bags, cellulite and stretch marks then getting fit for the summer may be on your list of things to do. And as much as it is still a huge motivator for me - how I'm feeling after my workouts is the big thing right now! When I think back to last year at this time when Addie was just 2.5 months and I still had a whack of baby weight to lose - a simple walk up the stairs would make my thighs burn - but now - just a year later, I'm down almost 100lbs and I'm bounding up those stairs in no time - makes me realize how good it feels to be in shape!

Never do I want to go back to feeling sluggish and stiff all the time - granted I had just had a baby and major surgery with the c-section, but I experienced a taste of being completely out of shape and it was a way worse feeling then looking in the mirror. And today - yeah sure there are plenty of body things I'm still working on - it's such a great feeling to know that I'm able keep up with Addie and have just as much energy - ok maybe not as my but pretty close, definitely way more than I had last summer! I'm starting to get addicted to the working part of working out - getting stronger and better with each day! This is what needs to drive you if you plan on maintaining any kind of exercise routine - because it doesn't matter how much you weigh each week, if you can do even 1 more push up today then you did your last workout then you KNOW you are making progress!

I know that if I keep focused on getting better, faster and stronger - the beach body will come! And of course if I stop buying and eating the whole package of the white chocolate macadamia nut cookies from Walmart hahaha if you haven't tried them then you definitely shouldn't - wayyyy too yummy!!!

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