Tuesday, October 7, 2014

6 Week Fall Fitness Challenge!!!

Lose up to 7lbs and 5 inches in the first week!!!
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6 Week Fall Fitness Challenge

Lose up to 7lbs and 5 inches in the first week!!!

Challenge Dates: Tuesday, Oct 14th - Monday, Nov 24th

What's Included?

- Workouts that can be done at home or at the gym in under 30mins!
- Simple and easy nutritions plan that includes your fav treats!
- Journal to track your progress; electronic or printable
- Weekly accountability check ins to keep you motivated and on track
- Access to a private Facebook community for amazing support
- 24/7 unlimited access to your own personal coach via email 

and the opportunity to get a head start on your fitness goals before the hectic holiday season begin!!!

*program will be emailed to you in a PDF format
Refer a friend to do it with you and save $10

off your registration fee!!!
Copyright © 2014 BodyBuzz.ca, All rights reserved.

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

No Gym? No Excuses!!!

Did you read that quote? Does it make sense to you? It sure does for me! So many times in my line of work I hear excuses, I don't have time, I don't like to exercise, I don't have a gym membership, I don't have any equipment at home, I have a baby, I have a husband - I've heard it all - and sure, I've used some of them myself - but in all honesty what they all really mean is that I don't care enough about reaching my goal to make it a priority. It's blunt but it's true. Once your goal or purpose becomes important enough to you, all the excuses will fall away. And if one of your excuses is that you don't have access to a gym or any equipment then the workout below is for you! It can be done in the comfort of your own home with NO equipment other than your own body. Heck, you don't even need running shoes or workout clothes so you can't even use those as excuses!!! So, if you want to, go turn some music on and get ready for a great at-home interval workout that can be done every other day!

Warm Up - 5 minutes (perform 1 minute of each exercise listed)
1. Walking on the spot
3. Marching on the spot
5. Running on the spot

Workout - 15 minutes 
(you will perform each exercise for 30 seconds then rest 30 seconds and repeat the prescribed number of times

3 Times Each 
3. Reverse Lunge Right Leg Forward http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PcWA-n_TO0
4. Reverse Lunge Left Leg Forward http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PcWA-n_TO0
5. Cobra(hold each pose for 3seconds) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YanrAUO8fp4&feature=related 

Cooldown - 5 minutes (1 minute each)
1. Cat Dog Pose
2. Hip Flexor Stretch (30seconds/side) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZvFBpl2poQ
3. Glute Stretch (30seconds/side) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zMMjowsfB0
4. Chest Stretch (30seconds/side) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LECa901PWXw
5. Lat Stretch (30seconds/side) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXiKvtq5YIs

*Please consult your doctor before performing any exercise program - including this one.
*This workout is not intended to diagnose or treat a problem. By performing this workout you are taking all risk into your own hands.
*If you require/would like individualized programming please contact me for my price list

Monday, June 4, 2012

We All Want Beach Bodies!

It's funny - when I first embarked on this weight loss journey after having Addie it was all about looking good at the beach. C'mon I know all of you know what I mean - unless of course you already do look hott in a bikini - but if you're like me with saddle bags, cellulite and stretch marks then getting fit for the summer may be on your list of things to do. And as much as it is still a huge motivator for me - how I'm feeling after my workouts is the big thing right now! When I think back to last year at this time when Addie was just 2.5 months and I still had a whack of baby weight to lose - a simple walk up the stairs would make my thighs burn - but now - just a year later, I'm down almost 100lbs and I'm bounding up those stairs in no time - makes me realize how good it feels to be in shape!

Never do I want to go back to feeling sluggish and stiff all the time - granted I had just had a baby and major surgery with the c-section, but I experienced a taste of being completely out of shape and it was a way worse feeling then looking in the mirror. And today - yeah sure there are plenty of body things I'm still working on - it's such a great feeling to know that I'm able keep up with Addie and have just as much energy - ok maybe not as my but pretty close, definitely way more than I had last summer! I'm starting to get addicted to the working part of working out - getting stronger and better with each day! This is what needs to drive you if you plan on maintaining any kind of exercise routine - because it doesn't matter how much you weigh each week, if you can do even 1 more push up today then you did your last workout then you KNOW you are making progress!

I know that if I keep focused on getting better, faster and stronger - the beach body will come! And of course if I stop buying and eating the whole package of the white chocolate macadamia nut cookies from Walmart hahaha if you haven't tried them then you definitely shouldn't - wayyyy too yummy!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I'm A Pear, What Are You?

If you're a pear like me then you'll recognize a few of these "nick names" - bubble butt, thunder thighs and my personal favorite - lobster! (they carry their junk in their tail - cute eh???)

But if your an apple or a ruler (celery as I like to call it) then these mean nothing to you because you both hold your weight in different areas of the body.

The reason I bring this topic up because many women will try to achieve a goal weight or physique that is not conducive to their original body type, which can and will only lead to disappointment and weight re-bound. You see, you may be able to diet and exercise like crazy in order to lose your "lobster tail", but it will be extremely difficult for you to maintain. Eventually your body will want to return to it's original shape. NOW this does not mean that I don't encourage goal setting and improving your physique but if you go crazy over a short period of time and transform your body only to then revert back to your old eating habits and quit exercising, more than likely your body will also revert back to what it was beforehand.

 "Ever try to squeeze your feet into shoes that are one size too small just because you love the style? Doesn't work, does it? Well, maybe you can cram your feet into those shoes for the sake of a special evening, but you can't wear them all the time. They're just too uncomfortable! Starving yourself with the goal of creating a physique that's contrary to your natural body type is a similar thing. You might get there for a month or two, but eventually your body will rebel." Jillian Michaels 

You see, the important take home point is to be aware of what your natural shape is, and set goals within that shape.

 Just because you're a Pear

 doesn't mean you're always going to have thunder thighs, but it will mean that it will most likely always be the area of concern or needs the most attention compared to any other body part.

 Or because you're an Apple

 that you'll forever have a belly and love handles - but what you'll find is that if you do gain a few pounds you'll probably notice it there first.

 And if you're a Celery well,

you're just kind of lucky because you don't have 1 specific spot where your body stores fat, it just kind of goes all over so yah, we hate you LOL

 So when you're getting ready to transform your body and are setting your goals, make sure that yes they are challenging and make you step out of your comfort zone, but not to the point where you're trying to change your genetics, because baby, it ain't gonna happen!!!

*This post was taken from an earlier blog that I created a few years ago but is still extremely relevant.